Old Skool RnB & Hip Hop Gaana Brunch- 25 +

May 28, 2023 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Secret London location

SUNDAY 28th MAY at a secret Location
Celebrate your Bank Holiday weekend with the VERY FIRST OLD SKOOL RNB & HIP HOP GAANA BRUNCH with non-stop bangers and entertainment! #gaanabrunch GET READY FOR A SUNDAY WITH SOME OF CLASSC FAVOURITES BEING PLAYED WHILST SIPPING ON A DRANK! Dress in your old school attire and come in a retro flow!

You will be entertained with Winston and Virus Reload who will be dropping all the bangers from old school Rnb, Hip hop, tamil and urban! MC Stoned Vegan will also be there to hype you off your feet. We have talented acts who will be showcasing special performances to entertain you further!
What is a brunch without food; we have tasty dishes which you can grab on the day as you wish!

We are honoured to announce we will be celebrating Anbu’s 5th year anniversary! Anbu is a registered charity that Supports survivors of childhood sexual abuse in the Tamil community. Their mission isTo provide healing and empowerment through holistic support, resources and advocacy on behalf of Tamil people impacted by childhood sexual abuse. A donation of the tickets will be donated towards their tremendously brave, meaningful and important work. More information about the charity can be found on https://www.anbu.org.uk/organisation

Birthday coming up?? Celebrate it in style with us!! Be treated to a special Gaana Brunch birthday package. Just DM us or email us to let us know and we will make it a special day!

Hen party? Stag-do? Email us- we got a range of packages to make it a special celebration!!

(please save your tickets, sometimes they may go to your junk mail. However please save it ahead of time, as you must show this on the day of the day of the event as it will be scanned!)
Time: 12pm– 5pm – last entry is 1.30pm
Music: Gaana Kuthu, Tamil old school and latest hits, Bashment, Afro beats, Urban & Hip Hop hits
Location: secret location which will be emailed to ticket buyers a week before the event.
Tickets: From £15 (ticket prices increase closer to the date)

Email: gaanabrunch@gmail.com

Ticket Type Price Cart
Old Skool RnB & Hip Hop Gaana Brunch- 25 + £25.00