White Party- 27th DECEMBER – Over 25s

December 27, 2022 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Shaka Zulu Camden

Our End of Year White Party Returns!
Get ready for another brunch event with non-stop bangers and entertainment! #gaanabrunch
This event is a strict 25 plus event, IDs will be checked on the door. Dress code is smart casual, strictly no masks, tracksuits or hoodies. Dress up in white!

GRAB YOUR TICKETS NOW as tickets CANNOT BE BOUGHT ON DOOR. Strictly no refunds or transfers for this event. Tickets are automatically sent to the registered email addresses, once purchased. Please download them as these will be scanned upon entry on the event day (check your spam as it sometimes goes into that folder)

Time: 12pm– 5pm – last entry is 1pm
Music: Gaana Kuthu, Tamil old school and latest hits, Bashment, Afro beats, Urban & Hip Hop hits
Location: specific location with event logistics which will be emailed to ticket buyers registered email addresses a week before the event.
Tickets: From £17 (ticket prices increase closer to the date)
Email: gaanabrunch@gmail.com

Ticket Type Price Cart
White Party- 27th DEC- Over 25s £25.00